HB 19-1212, a continuation of the HOA (homeowners association) property manager licensing program, is a costly lost opportunity. Licensing was meant to address abusive industry practices, increase the competency of property managers, and provide consumer protections. It has failed on all counts. Licensing has added costs to businesses, failed to address practices of abusive fees and assessments, lacks clarity in accountability, and delivers services via a confusing and featureless (mostly unusable) website.
The proposed law defers addressing problems to a future advisory Committee vs identifying corrective action in the Bill. This Committee will be industry heavy and hand-picked by Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) that has ignored homeowner input for several years. Committees are included in legislation as a means of kicking the can down the road and avoiding problem resolution. Homeowners can add this Bill (unless modified) to the stack of all HOA laws that give all the appearance of helping the consumer but in fact solidify the status quo.